Local Committee

Christ’s College Local Committee (LC)
Christ’s College is part of the Good Shepherd Trust (GST). The GST is a multi-academy trust within the Diocese of Guildford. More information about the GST can be found here.

The GST has given the Local Committee (LC) a scheme of delegation which shows what the LC is responsible for.

The key functions of the Local Committee are:

  1. Establish the strategic objectives for the school;

  2. Ensure accountability;

  3. Oversee compliance;

  4. Monitor the impact of the pupil premium grant;

  5. Be a source of challenge and support to the Principal (acting as a 'critical friend');

  6. Record visits to the school both during school hours (with prior agreement with the Principal) and other events as appropriate;

  7. Draw any significant recommendations and matters of concern to the attention of the Trust Board via the Link Director of Education/CEO as appropriate.

Declarations of interest are declared and reviewed at LC meetings and are recorded in the minutes.

Our LC members perform a vital service to our College, supporting the delivery of a high quality education by the Principal and staff while ensuring that all aspects are efficiently managed and stay true to our vision, ethos and values.

LC meetings are held approximately four times per term.  Part 1 (non-confidential) minutes of these minutes are public documents and can be requested from the school office.


What are the different types of membership?
  • Ex officio member: the Principal School Leader;

  • Parent member: elected by parents of registered pupils at the academy and must be a parent of a pupil at the academy at the time of the election (4-year term); the parent/carer may be appointed by GST if there are fewer nominations than vacancies.

  • Staff member: 1 member of the school staff from each school appointed as a representative of the staff (4-year term);

  • General member (4-year term).


I’m interested in joining the LC, what should I do?

Firstly, thank you! If you would like to be considered to be appointed to the LC you should contact the Chair via the school office for an informal chat about where your strengths and experience might be best used.

Information about the LC can be found below.


Acting Chair of the Local Committee

Mr Chris Chudziak - chair@christscollege.surrey.sch.uk


Mrs Yvonne Morrisroe - clerk@christscollege.surrey.sch.uk

Chair of the Good Shepherd Trust

Mr James Friend - chair@goodshepherdtrust.org.uk


All members of the LC are appointed by the GST.  Parent members are elected by other parents at the college and subsequently appointed by the GST.  Staff members are elected by other members of staff and subsequently appointed by the GST.



Type of Membership

Original Appointment / Current Appointment


Term of Office

End of Office Date

Sarah Hatch


School Leader

June 2018


ex officio

ex officio

Rev Kirsten Rosslyn-Smith


Sept 2010

Sept 2018

4 years

Aug 2026

John Beynon


Dec 2020


4 years

Dec 2024

Clare Durham


Aug 2021


4 years

Aug 2025

Chris Chudziak


May 2023


4 years

May 2027

Fran Miles


March 2024


4 years

March 2028

Becca Tame


May 2024


4 years

May 2028

Mary Booth


June 2024


4 years

June 2028








Stepped down in the last 12 months

Stuart Zissman

Diocesan Foundation/Chair

July 2023

Jo Franklin


July 2023

Rachel Frier


July 2023

Sarah Arola


January 2024

Amber Oliphant


January 2024


Christ’s College Local Committee Member Attendance Record 2023 - 2024

Christ's College Local Committee Declaration of Interests Jan 2024


Good Shepherd Trust Board Membership Website page

GIAS - Get Information About Schools - Government Website

Updated March 2024