Parents' Prayer Group


The Parents' Prayer Group at Christ's College started approximately twenty years ago (2000) and even met online during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The prayer group meets for Prayer and Worship evenings once a month, usually on the third Tuesday, at 7:30pm for an hour and a half in the Chapel. The meeting is led by one of the parents, with the College Chaplain, Rev Sarah Hutton. The Principal also attends for part of the prayer time when possible. Parents meet to pray for the College and all aspects of College life, and the Chaplain submits prayer requests from staff:

  • Needs of students (no names)

  • Christian Ethos

  • College Leadership Team and Governors

  • College events, music, drama festivals etc.

  • Parents share requests they might have


The dates for 2023/24 are:

  • 19 September

  • 17 October

  • 21 November

  • 12 December

  • 16 January

  • 20 February

  • 19 March

  • 16 April

  • 14 May

  • 18 June

  • 16 July

If you are interested in being part of the Parents' Prayer Group, please email Jackie Turner or Rev Sarah