Bullying Concern
At Christ's College we have a zero tolerance stance on bullying, but recognise that bullying exists and that to reduce or eradicate bullying we must continue to discuss the issue and work together as a College community.
What Is Bullying?
Bullying is defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically, and is often aimed at certain people because of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation or any other aspect such as appearance or disability.
As a College we take part in Anti-Bullying Week every November to focus on the issues of bullying, and help our students understand how their conduct impacts others, how it is important that everyone feels safe, and that we should support each other to strive to be a bully free school!
Reporting Bullying
Discussions around bullying don’t just happen during Anti-Bullying Week, it is something the College takes seriously, therefore if you or your son/daughter has any concerns around bullying, then please in the first instance contact their Tutor or Progress Leader. If you would like to report an incident of bullying you can contact the Pastoral Team by emailing bullyingconcerns@christscollege.surrey.sch.uk.
Your email will be passed onto the relevant Progress Leader.
If you are concerned specifically about sexist behaviour or sexual harassment please email: sh@christscollege.surrey.sch.uk. This will be picked up by a member of the college safeguarding team.
Click here to view our Anti- Bullying Policy and Behaviour For Learning Policy.
Here are some useful links:
Anti-Bullying Alliance https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/
Anti-Bullying Alliance: Parent and Carer Online Tool www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/parenttool
SafeToNet is a multi-award-winning safeguarding app, which helps to keep children safer online and safeguards them from threats such as bullying, grooming, abuse, sexting and aggression in real-time. Click here for more information.
Family Lives www.familylives.org.uk
Parent Zone (digital family life) www.parentzone.org.uk/home
Red Balloon Learner Centres www.redballoonlearner.org
Report Harmful Content (for cyberbullying and online harms) www.reportharmfulcontent.com
Childnet International (for cyberbullying and online harms) www.childnet.com
Internet Matters (for cyberbullying and online harms) https://www.internetmatters.org/advice/
Anti-Bullying Pro www.antibullyingpro.com
Childline https://www.childline.org.uk/