College Houses


All students when they join Christ's College are allocated into one of our four College Houses; Austen, Redgrave, Turner and Sibley. Each of the Houses have been named after a historical figure of the past and follows a motto taken from a biblical verse.



Motto "Be strong and courageous" from Joshua 1:9

Jane Austen (Born 16th December 1775) - an English novelist in the18th Century. Her writing was unique at that time, writing humour along with er realism, and social commentary. She wrote classics such as Pride And Prejudice, Sense And Sensibility and Emma.



Motto " Plans to prosper"  from Jeremiah 29:11

Sir Steve Redgrave - (Born 23rd March 1962) is a British retired rower who won gold medals at five consecutive Olympic Games from 1984 to 2000. He also won three Commonwealth Games gold medals and nine World Rowing Championship golds. He is the most successful male rower in Olympic history.



Motto "Love is patient" from Corinthians 12:4

Dame Antionette Sibley - (Born 27th February 1939)  is a British ballerina. She joined the Royal Ballet from the Royal Ballet School in 1956 and became a soloist in 1960. After retirement from dancing in 1989 she became President of the Royal Academy of Dance in 1991.



Motto "Let your heart take courage" from Psalm 31:24

Jospeh Mollard William Turner - (Born 23rd April 1775) was an English romantic painter, printmaker and water colourist. He is known for his expressive and colourisations, imaginative landscapes and turbulent, often violent marine paintings. 



Throughout the year, students from all four houses compete in inter-house competitions to win The Dearing Cup. Our aim is that everybody gets a chance to represent their house in some way or another.

The Dearing Cup named after the late Lord Ron Dearing who was a man deeply involved in education at the highest levels of government, in 1994, he shaped the National Curriculum that every school teaches today. In 2007 he lobbied government to make sure a new building for Christ's College was build on the current site.


House Winners
  • 2011  Turner

  • 2012  Sibley

  • 2013  Austen

  • 2014  Austen

  • 2015  Sibley

  • 2016  Redgrave

  • 2017  Austen

  • 2018  Austen

  • 2019  Austen

  • 2020  Austen

  • 2021  Redgrave

  • 2022  Sibley

Each House has student and staff representatives who help to keep students informed of activities, competitions and encouraging when needed to take part in events.


House Leaders:

Mr L Langley

Austen House Leader

Mr H Gilchrist

Redgrave House Leader 

Ms C Botha

Sibley House Leader

Miss E Barratt

Turner House Leader



On the respective House Birthday, that House will run a charity day to raise as much money as possible for its chosen charity.


Guildford Action




Teenage Cancer Trust




House Events Michaelmas Term 2024 - Click here

Planned House Events Spring Term 2025 - Click here

Planned House Events Summer Term 2025 - Click here