Below is a list of Christ's College current school policies.
Acceptable Use Policy |
Accessibility Plan This policy explains how the College ensures it is providing an environment that enables all members of the community to access the curriculum and all aspects of school life. |
Admissions Policy These policies clarify the College's admission criteria for the academic years (2023/24 and 2024/25 and provides an overview of the appeals process. For further information regarding admissions click here. |
Adult Behaviour Policy This policy outlines the behaviour expected of adults, including parents/carers, as well as the procedures in place for dealing with any incidents of unacceptable behaviour. |
Allegations of Abuse Against Adults Policy This policy provides a framework for managing allegations against adults. |
Anti-Bullying Policy This policy gives an overview of how the College deals with issues of bullying and supports students. |
Assessment Policy This policy relates to routine classwork and homework. |
Attendance & Punctuality This policy gives an overview of how the College records and monitors pupil attendance. |
Behaviour Policy (including Exclusions) This policy outlines the College approach to behaviour management. It also outlines rewards and sanctions |
Careers Policy This policy outlines the provision of careers support. |
CCTV Policy This policy outlines our Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System Policy. |
Charging and Remissions This document explains the school’s policy for charging for school trips, extra activities and residential trips and for the hire of the buildings. |
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy This policy states the College’s Child Protection Procedures. Including arrangements for Safeguarding and Child Protection at COVID-19 school closures. |
Collective Worship This policy gives an overview of the College's policy on Collective Worship |
Complaints Policy & Procedures This policy is a GST policy. It gives a detailed description of the stages the College and parents should go through in reporting and responding to parental concerns. |
Data Protection Policy This document describes the information which the school holds about a pupil and how that information is used |
Early Career Teachers (ECTs) Policy |
Educational Visits Policy |
Emergency College Closure This document outlines the procedures in an emergency Emergency College Closure Procedure |
English as an Additional Language (EAL) This policy outlines the college’s approach to identifying and meeting the needs of students who are classified as having (EAL). |
E-Safety This policy gives an overview of how the College deals with internet safety. |
Exams Find all of the 2023-24 Exam Policies here. |
First Aid Policy |
Homework Policy This policy gives an overview of the College's policy on homework. |
Lettings Policy This policy gives an overview of our expectations of Lettings |
Literacy Policy This policy gives an overview of the College's policy on Literacy |
Mobile Device Policy |
Numeracy Policy This policy gives an overview of the College's policy on Numeracy |
Pupil Premium Strategy Policy This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium |
Relationship Sex & Health Education Policy This policy gives an overview of the College's policy regarding relationships and sex education. |
Religious Education Statement of Intent This statement gives an overview of the College's intent regarding Religious Education |
Remote Education Plan This document provides clarity and transparency to pupils/parents/carers about what to expect from remote online education. |
Single Equalities This policy explains how the College ensures equal opportunities for all pupils and staff regardless of race, culture, gender, sexual orientation and disability. |
Special Educational Needs and Disability(SEND) Policy This policy gives an overview of how children with Special Educational Needs are identified and provided for within College.. |
Tackling Radicalisation and Extremism Policy |
Uniform Policy This policy sets out the expectations regarding uniform. |
Use of Reasonable Force Policy |
Whistleblowing Policy This policy is to encourage employees and others to voice any serious concerns they may have. |
The Good Shepherd Trust (GST) Policies Please see the link to the GST website, which will take you to the Trust Policies. |