
Christ’s College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects all staff, volunteers, governors and visitors to share this commitment. We recognise that all adults, including temporary staff, volunteers and governors, have a full and active part to play in protecting our students from harm, and that the child or young person’s welfare is our paramount concern.

The school pays full regard to Department for Education statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024' (see document below). We ensure that all appropriate measures are applied in relation to everyone who works in the school who is likely to be perceived by the children as a safe and trustworthy adult, including volunteers and staff employed by contractors.  Safer recruitment practice includes scrutinising applicants, verifying identity and academic or vocational qualifications, obtaining professional and character references, checking previous employment history and ensuring that a candidate has the health and physical capacity for the job. It also includes undertaking in-depth interviews and conducting DBS checks.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 - Department for Education


Our Safeguarding Team includes:




Mr M Goulborn


Mrs S French

Vice Principal  & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Mrs J Fodor

Assistant Principal & Designated Safeguarding Lead  - Children (DSL)

Mr Z Annan

Head of Careers & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) 

Mrs M Harnden

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) 


If you have a concern, please email (Also the College out of hours contact).

For any ongoing concerns about the safety of a child or young person, you can report directly to Surrey Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPA) between 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday on 0300 470 9100. Click here for additional contact information.  

The out of hours Emergency Duty Team is available Monday to Friday 5pm to 9am, weekends 24 hours a day and throughout all bank holiday periods. Telephone : 01483 517898 or email Additional out of hours social care contacts can be found here.

To report any concerns about the conduct of a member of staff or volunteer, please contact the Headteacher immediately at If an allegation is made against the Headteacher, these concerns need to be raised with the Chair of the Trust Board: Mr James Friend on 01483 910 210; If the Chair of the Trust Board is not available, the Local Area Designated Officer (LADO) should be contacted directly on 0300 123 1650, or email

For more information regarding help and support for families or services available in the community and online, you can access Family Information Service.

The following Christ's College policies/Statements can be accessed on our policies page here.

  • Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
  • Allegations of Abuse Against Adults Policy
  • Good Shepherd Trust  - Safer Working Practices Statement

Good Shepherd Trust Safeguarding website page.


All staff at Christ’s College are required to undertake the online Home Office Prevent training programme. 

You can read more about this here in the document below and the 2019 Revised Prevent Guidance here: 

Prevent Guidance 2023

The NSPCC is a charity dedicated to support and providing tips to help keep children safe by working directly with children, families and professionals. Their services help children who have been abused, and protect children at risk, and they find the best ways to prevent child abuse from ever happening.  

For any concerns about a child's safety, or if you are seeking advice, contact 0808 800 5000 or

For any child who is seeking help or support with any issues they are experiencing, there are trained counsellors available 24 hours a day, every day of the year via Childline – Tel: 0800 1111.

The NSPCC helpline for survivors of sexual harassment and abuse in education settings is Tel: 0800 136 663

For advice and support on how to keep your child safe online please click through to our E-Safety webpage here for further information.

For any concerns please email 

Here are some other useful websites and information regarding support for the Mental Health and Wellbeing of young people and their families:

MINDWORKS Surrey is the new emotional wellbeing and mental health service for children and young people in Surrey. The website includes information for parents and carers, children and young people, from advice and guidance through to information on the services available in Surrey.

KOOTH is the UK's leading Mental Health and Wellbeing platform for children and young people, and it offers anonymous and personalised mental health support for Children and Young People. 

The CYP Haven (Surrey) is a safe space for children and young people aged 10-18 where they can talk about worries and mental health in a confidential, friendly and supportive environment.

The YMCA recognise health and wellbeing is the bedrock that enables people to develop in all areas of their life, from education and employment to relationships and social networks.

Young Minds are leading the movement to make sure every young person gets the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.

MIND We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

Samaritans – The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way, however you are feeling.   Tel:  116 123

Papyrus is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.


In a crisis, the Royal Surrey County Hospital has a CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) nurse. Whilst at the hospital waiting for an assessment, you can call Emerge on 0753 433 1455. Youth Workers are on hand to support, listen to and advocate on behalf of the young people who attend the Royal Surrey County Hospital. 

Guildford Mental Health Support Team (MHST) Leaflet 2024/25


Surrey County Council - Surrey Family Information Service. There is a range of help and support available for young people and their families in Surrey.

The Guildford For Action service supports isolated families with a variety of complex needs, many of which relate to poverty and domestic abuse. Our experienced team of family support workers have a wealth of knowledge and often support the hardest to reach families.

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families  

  • Do you need help right now? The AFC Crisis Messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support for young people across the UK. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, you can text AFC to 85258.
  • Self care for parents and carers
  • Young People looking for help or On My Mind aims to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health and wellbeing.

Child Bereavement UK Watch this short animated film to help children, young people and adults understand grief and how to manage it.

Barnardo's - Grief can be overwhelming after experiencing trauma, but with the right support children can start to recover. Here is some information about grief to help explain the process, for you and your children - 7 Things You Need To Know About Grief.

Cruse Bereavement Support