Report a Student Absent

If your child is absent from College, please report this via Studybugs app or website: 

We have an automatic communication system in operation that will contact you directly if your child is marked absent during registration and we have not heard from parents/carers. This is to ensure that the reason for the absence is known as soon as possible, and alert you if your child is not in College when they should be. 

You must provide a reason for your child's absence, otherwise this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence on their attendance record.


Medical Appointments

If your child is absent due to a medical appointment e.g. doctors or dental then please provide evidence of the appointment, this can be an appointment card, letter or if you have an email confirmation this can be forwarded to the Attendance Administrator. If appointments are during the college day, students are required to sign out at Reception before they leave the college site, and to sign back in again at Reception after their appointment.

Click here to request application for leave of absence for exceptional circumstances.


Late To College

If a student is late to College without a reasonable explanation and arrives after registration by 8.30am (students register between 8.25am - 8.30am on the MUGA) they will be marked as late and an after school sanction will be issued. 

If a student is consistently late, then further sanctions will be applied as deemed appropriate by a senior member of staff. If a student arrives after registration closes, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. This is to comply with legal requirements.

Attendance website page